I woke this morning (well...this afternoon actually) and walked downstairs in a pretty decent mood. I've been sick for a while and for the first time in a couple of weeks, didn't feel as if my nose were about to blow up and leave snot all over the walls. When I got to my formal living room where the Christmas tree was....I stopped. The tree was starting to look pathetic and I guess it should seeing as though it's been on life support in that dang tree stand for 3 weeks now. So...me being me...I made a quick decision to take it down which required a whole hell of a lot more activity than I think I was ready for.
I'm kind of anal about organizing stuff so I have a good system of holiday decoration storage. I went to my storage area and struggled up and down the stairs with the 4 Christmas decoration storage containers that I use. Then...I started taking off the ornaments. One by one. ALL of them....boxes and boxes of them. *sigh* Too damn many of them. Put everything in the box it came in but, in the process of doing this..half the needles on the tree fell on the floor. So I get out my trusty Dyson. (FYI...even Dyson's don't like pine needles.) It started making this hideous noise and I just stopped, shook the rest of the crap off the tree like a crazy woman and drug it outside caveman style still wearing my pj's and robe. I know my neighbors were thinking...."Does she ever get out of her sleep clothes????" No I don't. Get away from the dang window sometime and you wouldn't always SEE me outside in my pj's.
Anywho...Robby informs me that they won't pick up the tree until Wednesday and I was all prepared to let it sit on side of the house, but he drug it to the backyard where it will probably end up taking root again cause we will both forget it's back there. He's been sick too so we're both pretty grumpy. He's been off work for a week and hasn't shaved since his last day at the office. Kinda got that grizzly bear look going for him right now. Don't think I like it since it scratches my cheek when I snuggle with him. Puts me in an even grumpier mood. And who wants to snuggle with a sick, snotty, grumpier than ever woman who hasn't combed her hair in a week?
He asked me if there was anything he could help me do and I asked him to take the lighted garland from outside around the front door. He looked at me with a frown and said he didn't feel like doing that. I have a feeling we might be hiding eggs in it for Easter this year.
I tried to get enough energy to finish packing up the Christmas decorations but couldn't and now it's dark and the formal living room looks like the elves rioted. *sigh*
No...I really mean it. It looks like they got pissed off and started ripping everything up in a drunken brawl swinging from the chandelier. I felt defeated so I needed to take a nap. I ate some yogurt and some Reese's peanut butter cups and crashed on the sofa.
One hour later: Robby just came upstairs from where he's been watching a game and asked if I was going to finish cleaning up. He got the evil eye and hastily departed my line of sight. Ten minutes later I heard the vacuum cleaner going and then heard that awful "I DON'T LIKE PINE NEEDLES" noise again. I haven't heard it anymore.
I went into the room just now to see how much progress he'd made. Not much. He didn't even unplug the vacuum cleaner. Ha.
Sooooooooooooooooooo. What to do? I guess I could leave it there for a minute. It's not like we actually USE that room anyway. I wonder how trifling it would be to leave it looking like that until Friday morning when Ms. Olga and her crew comes to clean. Since it's only Sunday...I guess it would be pretty trifling huh? But really...we don't USE that room! The only one of us that does is Jaru when he wants to get away from us and he takes a nap on the sofa in there. Oh well. What to do...what to do? I'm going to think about it again in just a few minutes. Right now I'm going to watch some more videos in VH1 Soul Videos.
Oh yeah...in case you haven't seen it yet...Beyonce's new video is stoopit. No really...STOOPIT!
Happy New Year. Blah, blah, blah.