Uh...to all my mother figures and older family members who read my site...PLEASE don't read this post. Just skip it and go on to another post. Please. I beg of you. I do NOT wanna get any calls today about this one. It is what it is and yes...I had to go there.
I've received 5 negative comments since I've been blogging which has been about 3 years or so now. I usually just ignore the ignorant azzes and add their names and IP addresses to my special list because hey...why acknowledge you even exist as you are beneath me and we obviously have NOTHING in common.
Usually they are about my white husband and my black azz, yada, yada. And yall know I'm not entertaining that mess. (Get over it...it ain't changing ish...TRUST. LOL!)
That said, I got this one today:
Comment from:
You make me laugh, not because you are funny, but because you are not. You are beyond full of yourself and that is sad. You don't know the meaning of the word fabulous! You are down on more people than anyone you talk about on your site! You may say that you just tell it like it is, but really you get off on making others feel less than super, making yourself feel better in the process. That is why you are so angry. Don't tell me about having a bad childhood making you angry now, that's crap and you know it. As long as you have this attitude you will NEVER have a baby. You don't deserve one right now. You still have too much work to do on yourself. You take all you have for granted and use it for evil instead of good! Look, you even thought of yourself before helping that poor child sitting outside. You are a sad creature! Also, what country girl is afraid of coyotes? Geez, you are so fake! Now this one has made me say sumptin. First off...please...if you're gonna be woman enough (I'm assuming you're a catty azz woman) to say it...then be woman enough to not do it anonymously. I don't have a problem with reading what you have to say as long as I have the opportunity to respond. Second...it seems that, even though you're not a fan, you spend quite a bit of time on my site seeing as though you're all up on what's going on in MY world. But hey...that flatters me. I must be pretty special to get you to keep reading even though YOU CAN'T STAND ME. Damn...I'm better at this written word stuff that I thought. LOL! GO ME! Third...why spend this much energy on someone you don't "get?" Really...move on. The internet is FULL of stuff to read. Move on. Fourth...you should wonder what can be done with your IP address. I'm smiling just THINKING about having your IP address and the others at my disposal. Hee-hee! Might not be today, might not be next week, hey...might not be ever. But...YOU'LL NEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAA KNOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW! (Beautiful ain't it?) Fifth AND MOST IMPORTANTLY...B!TCH DON'T LET THE SMOOTH TASTE FOOL YOU! YOU COME TO MY SITE, READ MY SHIT, THINK I'M ALL SOFT AND WHATNOT APPARENTLY...BUT BAAAAAAAAAAABY...THAT AIN'T THE CASE. AND YOU KNOW THIS...which is why you responded anonymously...cuz sweetness... you and I both know I will whup your muthaf'in azz IN STEREO! See...some things I can forgive. A punk azz coward talking shit behind a cloak...no. I can't and I will slap you in your fuggin mouf to prove it. Did you read the post on hatin? And how I'm comfortable with it? LOL! I'm COMFORTABLE with it chica. I KNOW you and those like you who don't like me. Trust me...I know. And I know why. But the solution to all of this is simple. Stay the fug off my site. Simple. Gazillions of sites out there...and you wanna crawl all up into my little ole corner like the snake that you are. I don't do wild animals OR bugs. Never had to. Never will. Now maybe you've wrangled with a rodent or two...but nope...not me. Sounds like you have issues with money and resent that it seems I don't. Not my fault. Not my problem. You broke...not me. And you're prolly just CRYING INSIDE because of it. KILLING YOU huh? ROFL! Me pobrecita con un corazon malo. Now that we've got that clarified...stay off my site. People like you disgust me and I have no use for you. Stay off my site. I DEFINITELY stay off yours. LOL! You're welcome back once you get ahold of your hatin tendencies. Cool? Cool. Why would I welcome you back you ask? Cuz I know this has more to do with YOU being unhappy with YOU and far less to do with me than you think. LOL! Why? Cuz you don't even KNOW me like that. I've never been to Wabash, Indiana. Not my kinda place. Crap...now back to Day 1 of the no cussin. And I was doing SOOOOOOOOOO well. Wasn't I? Ding! You are free to move about the country and continue being FABULOUS! (B!tch got me twisted.)