I guess I’m writing to vent or sort my head or something. Yesterday, my mother called me on the phone, out of breathe, as she does when she has some pressing and exciting news. Guess what? You’ll never guess….. I found your father.
I was stunned. I guess I didn’t react the way she intended. I was filled with so many emotions, some good some bad. Over the years I guess I compartmentalized that part of my life. There was a time when I actively looked for him, but stopped. I tucked him away, probably because I never thought the day would come when I would really have the opportunity to meet him.
My mother spoke with him last night. He asked about me, wondered why I hadn’t called. I honestly don’t know what to say. I’m afraid I might say something hurtful. He never even saw me, touched me. He claims, according to my mother, that he always thought of us. 43 years Monica!
How do you think you would react to this? Part of me is happy, part of me is afraid, part of me is sad. Am I being anal about this??
My response:
I would think that you're reacting exactly as you should. Seriously. Just because you share DNA with him doesn't make him any less of a stranger RIGHT NOW...so be cautious...as you would with ANY stranger until he's shown you who he is. Does that make sense?
You want me to post this to see what other opinions are out there? Maybe others have dealt with this as well and can offer you some insight that I can't.
But...I hope you do give him a chance sweetie. Think of it as something to do for YOU.
Well? Anyone have any advice for her? Anyone experienced this? How did you feel? What did you do? What WOULD you do?