For some reason...everyone asks me about that dang lipstick I wear. Even when I was hangin with the SanginDiva herself SHE asked me and you know she got people! LOL!
So...since folks done asked me 5 more times this weekend and I'm tired of typing it up in response to emails...Imma put it here so I can just refer folks to this post.
This is whatcha need:
1. MAC Chestnut pencil
2. MAC Bronze Shimmer lipstick (frost)
3. MAC Film Noir lipstick (satin)
Okay...line your lips with the pencil (make sure it's sharpened right). Then LIGHTLY put on one coat of the Bronze Shimmer. Next...OUTLINE your lips LIGHTLY with the Film Noir...and then...just mush together. You shouldn't see an outline of your should be blended all together.