Recently I was shopping for a birthday gift for my Goddaughter and, since she has become quite the fashion plate as of late...I decided to buy her clothes. So I went and looked and found NOTHING appropriate, in MY OPINION, that I would buy for her.
Totally perplexing.
I am NOT buying her anything with the words JUICY across her butt nor would I ever, EVER think of buying her something low cut and tight. And yet...THAT'S ALL THAT WAS AVAILABLE IT SEEMED!
So...I settled on some PJ's and a gift card cuz my head started swimming.
The other day I was speaking with a mother whose 8 year old daughter tried to sneak and buy the "Fergalicious" cd. The mother thought it was some cute Disney cd and when they left Borders to drive home she put the cd in so they could listen to it. She was shocked and even MORESO shocked when her daughter begged and PLEADED with her to let her keep it so the kids at school could think she was "cool."
Cool huh? Okay.
So then...Robby and I read this article in the Post: "Goodbye to Girlhood"
Wow. Just...WOW.
Did this quote not just shock your socks off?
"For example, in 2003, tweens -- that highly coveted marketing segment ranging from 7 to 12 -- spent $1.6 million on thong underwear, Time magazine reported."
I can't say anything else on this one...please...chime in. What do YOU think?
(Hell...I typed in young girls to find a pic for this post and now I'm CERTAIN I'm on the FBI watch list. Just CREEPY!)