I don't know these people, but know someone who knows them. BUT...this situation bothered me big time. You hear about stuff like this but it's never someone who someone you know actually knew so it comes across as an urban myth of sorts. An urban myth that perhaps you think won't happen to someone like you because it only happens to the poor, uneducated, and drug users.
These are the kinds of things that happen that make me so vehement when I say folks need to stop being so casual about intimacy and start focusing on it as the important act it really truly is. Folks research the car they want to buy more than they do a potental intimate partner. Your life or your car?
I'm climbing off my soapbox now. Just the fact that I know someone who actually knows someone that did this creaped me out.
Be careful yall. This ish is REAL.
Have you ever known someone with HIV? When is the last time you've been tested? How would you feel if someone you knew were doing this?