Whenever you bond yourself to someone forever, you tend to develop traditions along the way that are yours alone. Me...I LOVE THIS!
We have a few, but the biggest one is our summer trip to Sun Valley which I LOVE. We go to the Mardi Gras Marathon in New Orleans, we host an Easter dinner at our home and we spend Thanksgiving with my surrogate mom. Fabulous little traditions that are just the flow of what Monnie and Robby are that have just developed along the way.
A lot of our traditions are small and cute, but they are traditions nonetheless. Game night, Friday night date night, "US TIME." The little things we count on to focus on each other and how WE are doing as a couple together.
I can't wait until we are able to develop FAMILY traditions with kids and family. Now THAT'S going to be FABULOUS!
What are YOUR traditions that keep you guys grounded? What do you ALWAYS do that you look forward to doing together? Not just those with your significant other...but those with the kids and family as well?
Is it difficult to get the older kids still excited about family traditions?
If you haven't done some of your traditions for a while...why not? What happened to get you guys off track? What will it take to get you back ON track?