"THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!" That's what the crazy woman was yelling at me in Whole Foods because she was embarrassed that she was blocking the entire aisle so none of us waiting could get around her. She got mad/shamed and started yelling at me. "SORRY I WASN'T LOOKING AT YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) LOL! That ish was funny later but I wonder what she would have said had I told her that "Yes honey...it does. MY WORLD revolves around ME and maybe if you did the same...you wouldn't be so obviously unhappy."
When is the last time you stopped and focused on YOU. JUST YOU?
Tell the truth people.
Was chatting with a friend last night and she was telling me about her upcoming weekend. She made me tired just listening to her. In fact...I got annoyed with myself for even asking her. LOL! That's just how long her list was.
Then I asked her..."Well, what are you going to do for you?" And she got quiet.
Sorry if I struck a nerve but hey...you doing all this for everyone else, you're not going to good for much longer if you don't do something for yourself.
One of my FAVORITE people is crlsweetie (heeeey baaaaaaaaaaby!). A few months ago, Shawn and I met her out for lunch, she got there out of breath, looking pretty, and we had a BLAST! She'd found a babysitter for her kids and had been looking forward to lunch with her girls. We spent a bit over an hour together and then...she had to head back to pick up her kids. The transformation, however, from the woman who met us and the woman who left us was awesome. After an hour or so of laughing with me and Shawn's stoopit butts...she looked and felt rejuvinated. Just an hour or so.
Mothers do most of everything for their families. Single mothers do it ALL! More than anything, single mothers need to focus on time for them. You have GOT to do it.
Carving out some time for yourself doesn't have to include spa treatments at an expensive spa. There are LOTS of things you can do if only to go to a Starbucks or a Borders and read a book or flip through a magazine.
Another thing that seems to work is sending the kids to school and taking the day off. DON'T DO ANYTHING. Just chill. No cleaning up, no folding clothes...NOTHING. Just pad around in your slippers and pj's all day and watch mind numbing television. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!
What are YOU doing for yourself? When was the last time you did something JUST FOR YOU? Any good ideas on things to do that don't cost much or anything? Do you understand how important this is for your family's wellbeing?
Holla atcha girl.