...by NOT playing games.
I get a lot of relationship questions. I don't know why. LOL! My first answer is usually something that will land folks in the hospital and in jail so I always wonder why they come back. LOL!
Yesterday someone I love was VERY frustrated about men and decided to vent with me.
Me: I don't agree.
Her: They play games and get inside your head.
Me: How the fug somebody gonna play with YOUR head. It's YOUR HEAD! (Channelling Kat Wiliams...lol!)
And we went on and on.
I thought I was being hard on her cuz I was in the middle of a tense conversation with another friend so I asked her later if I was too rough and she said no...I wasn't rough enough.
Usually when folks are asking me these questions...I sense some game playing on somebody's part. Either the man is playing games or the woman is playing games...and that makes me laugh.
Cuz if you don't wanna play games with someone PLAYING games...JUST STOP! Seriously. JUST STOP. They can't play games with you if you refuse to participate. IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE.
Dude says he's gonna call you and doesn't. So. He ain't wanna talk to your azz apparently. Now me...I can't stand when someone doesn't do what they say they are gonna do...so I'd be done unless they had a VERY good excuse which includes blood, parametics, and/or death. Why would I be done? Cuz when someone starts off doing stuff like that...they gonna keep on. Why? Cuz they know they can. They know that they can do ish like that to you and there will be NO accountability WHATSOEVER!
I KNOW you done heard them old folks say don't start nuttin you ain't willing to keep up. That ish is soooooooooooo true.
Back to my original point cuz I feel my girlfriend needs to hear it again. DO NOT ALLOW SOMEONE TO PLAY GAMES WITH YOU. JUST SAY NO.
If someone calls you that you know you shouldn't talk to...it's simple. Don't answer the phone. I don't care if they call twenty times. Don't answer. They'll figure out that you're on to them and move on to the next potential victim. AND...if ALL women did this...game playing would HAVE TO BE SHUT THE HELL DOWN cuz wouldn't nobody be falling for the okey doke no mo.
Thank on it some'mo. Thank on it.
Whatchall thank? Anything you wanna add? Does this pertain to you too? Know anyone dealing with such?