My favorite event of the year is always our Christmas Cookie /Gift Exchange POTLUCK! I'm about to start planning it and need to know if any of you who haven't attended in the past is planning on attending so I may add you to the invite.
It's going to be Sunday, December 14, 2008. If anyone is coming from out of town...if I "KNOW" you (i.e. you're a regular commenter who I am comfortable with) you are MORE THAN WELCOME to stay at 13700.
The gift exchange maximum amount is $20 and you pull names at the party to find out who will receive your gift. This year we will be actually WRAPPING the cookies in fun and festive packaging. LOL! Yup...we're gonna have craft stations set up. I can't WAIT!
I give the same gift every year so I already know whatchu getting if I pull your name. ROFL!
Significant others are ALWAYS welcome as are children. All I ask is that you let me know the ages of the children so I am prepared to host them Monnie-style.
Most folks will tell you that this event is SOOOOOOOOOOOO FABULOUSLY FUN and I'm 100% certain you will have an absolute BLAST! I promise! LOL! (Just stay outta my gumbo pot and do NOT, do NOT eat all of Butta's jerk chicken before I have put some away for me later or ye SHALL be cut!
I repeat.
Again. I'd love to have you if you want to come. It's a wonderful time and we always walk away feeling blessed to have been able to find each other on this big old WORLD WIDE WEB.
Please respond and include your best email addy in the email section of the comments so I may add you to the invitation.
Thank you in advance. 2007 Christmas Cookie / Gift Exchange!
Monica Mingo