A couple of weeks ago, one of my first cousins (his blog name shall be ST. Why ST? Star Trek..The Next Generation), got a job offer in DC. When he graduated from college he went back home in Louisiana and looked for a job close to his parents like a good Southern boy does. After months and months of looking...he didn't find anything suitable in Louisiana's economy. I told him to look for something out here and he did and we were all proud of him when he got something really good in his chosen profession.
His initial start date was set and arrangements were made for him to come out here and I'd gotten our schedule ready to accommodate him.
His initial start date fell through and was set for two weeks later.Then we had to re-do plans and move a lot of stuff around so we can do what needed to be done.
We got him. He is family.
ST was always one of the sweetest kids I knew. I've always been ridiculously proud of him and I've always made time for him no matter what. The only problem I've EVER had with him is that he's the type of guy who doesn't like to ask for anything.
But I guess that's what real men are made of right? Yeah...to a point.
He keeps to himself pretty much and I can tell he is making a conscious effort to stay out of our way. He has told me several times that he doesn't want to be a "bother."
I love that kid man.
Today was his first day of work. Last night I watched as he prepared for his morning, double checking everything to make sure he was ready. I'm all about being organized and hope that this part o me rubs off on him. He made sure his clothes were ready to go, packed his metro bag and lined his shiny shoes up. He also practiced tying his tie about fifty lleven times to make sure that his knot had the dimple in it that I told him it needed.
The kid makes me proud.
I hovered over him last night and this morning making sure he was good to go and personally escorted him to where he needed to be. Yes. Me. At 6:00 am this morning. Robby says I'm babying him but...like Shelly says...Robby should know seeing as though he's my BIGGEST baby. LOL! I'm not trying to baby him but I want him to feel secure and loved because I know how hard it is to be away from all that you know in a new city.
Cept he is not on his own.
We got him. He is family.
We have told him that he may stay with us for 6 months. During this time we don't want him to spend a DIME on anything. No food, no water, no nuttin. Nothing except Metro back and forth and an occasional movie. We want him to save, save, and save some more so that when we start helping him look for his own place he has a tidy lump in savings to start him off right. He tried to fix his mouth to say he'd like to give us a lil something money wise and we let him know that he would be snatched bald if he kept trying to go there.
We got him. He is FAMILY.
At 13700 we believe in extending ourselves and our generosity to family members who are doing the right thing. We have ABSOLUTELY no problem at ALL making sure the upcoming generations know they should consider us a resource and we are so happy we have the opportunity to help my baby cousin get his career and life away from the comforts of home the right way.
In fact...we are darn near BEAMING with pride at him every time he walks into the room. He's the kind of kid who is really appreciative of any little thing you do for him and it is very important to him to make all us of proud. Or should I say proud-ER because we are already bursting at the seams of proud.I'd like you to help welcome one of my family's Golden Boys, ST, to the big city and to the world of responsibility. Share with him any advice you think he should read about moving, living, and beginning his OWN foundation for a REALLY good life. Let him know of any pitfalls he should look out for and what you think was most helpful to you when you started your first real job.
Did anyone in your family do this for you? Would you do it for family?
Thank you in advance.