Every.single.time I see you on television I hang my head in shame. Why? Because you always end up looking like an uninformed, stuttering idiot. You have NEVER made a single point that hasn't been shot down and they just trot your azz out so they have have an easy target to jab, jab, jab.
If you're going to represent Black conservatives...at least do so in a way that makes you APPEAR to be informed and APPEAR to have a damn thought in your head besides just wanting to be the Black woman on television who doesn't like the Black President.
Maybe you're just better writing it out. Maybe it's just hard for you to think on your feet with the cameras on. Hmmmmm...maybe that's it. If so...STAY OFF TELEVISION!
Oh...and your website sucks. Looks like a grade school student designed it. Big Dummy. Project 21
And oh...can you explain to me why all your press photos have you looking WAAAAAAAAAAAY lighter than you are in real life? If you showed up to a set and I was the production assistant I'd make you show me your ID cuz you look NOTHING like the pictures you've paid to have done for your speeches. DROP THE PRETENSE GIRL! TELL EM WHY YOU'RE REALLY MAD!