I was reading something where two very smart people were arguing that Queen Latifah's movie didn't make enough money because she is ALLEGEDLY gay and Halle Berry's movies don't make money because she is a sellout without personality. I started feeling some kinda way because of the day I've had and, because I'm far gone on my second glass of wine.
I chose to respond.
Yall may ridicule me if you wish but hell...I'm hurt and upset and, apparently, not nearly controversial enough in thought.
No worries...I'll learn.
My response:
I thought “Just Wright” was a cute movie. I like cute movies. Especially since there are never cute movies around with Black people like me in them. Seems to me the only time Black movies are celebrated are if there is some major unspeakable dysfunction going on in them. Incest, rape, abuse. Yeah…all of that.
If those things are prevalent…then yes…it’s celebrated and we have a hit and awards are given because that’s what Black life is really all about and it’s the truth right?
In movie land.
Far be it for some of us to be well adjusted, law abiding people with mortgages.
I watch movies all the time. Romantic comedies mostly. Predictable based on the genre alone and cute. Women dressed nicely. Men with with good jobs who want to get married. Nobody…carrying a gun. And yet…this seems to be only acceptable behavior if it’s NOT a Black movie.
Because Black movies seem to need a coon or two. They need to have some legal issues or violence in order to be considered REAL. We can’t have romantic comedies. It has to be dark in order to properly depict US.
Or…it has to be foolishness.
Yeah…I know the formula and even as Mr. Tyler Perry’s movies insult my intelligence I crave his movies. Why? Because I enjoy watching people that look like me on the big screen and, more often than not, they are my only options.
Halle Berry a sellout? I wouldn’t say that. I’d say she was a hustler. She knows the deal. I can’t knock her hustle as she’s gotta live just as I do. Hell…I know I can’t do poor and I know that faced with the option of “selling out” versus making money…I’D MAKE.THAT.MONEY.
Queen Latifah? I love me some her and always will. Did I feel she and Common had chemistry? The short answer is…I didn’t care. I’m a girly girl and it was a girly movie. I’m going see “Sex and the City 2″ with my girls and we all know Cynthia Nixon is gay and yet…she’s an ACTRESS and we respect that so…why can’t the same be extended to THE QUEEN if she is gay.
Which none of us know for sure because NONE of us have been in her bedroom with her. And again…she’s an ACTRESS.
Gay actors play straight all the time. Same as straight actors play gay.
Neither of them should be torn a new azz simply because we’re mad we don’t have other options available. It’s not their fault. It’s OURS.
I’m struggling with myself right now because I’m a 40 year old filmmaker who didn’t start film school until I was 37 and I recently completed my first short and am in pre-production for my second. I know what I’d like to see but I also know what sells because I’m well read and no dummy. I struggle with the fact that what I want to see won’t make money because it’s not as “JUICY” as other over-dramatized pictures would be and I struggle with the fact that my story lines simply may be over the heads of the Black person who is the normal Black movie go’er according to VERY.REAL.STATISTICS.
Where does that leave me?
In a very REALISTIC place. I want to entertain people like myself but I don’t want my bottom line to be zilch. Because of that…I have to be smart. Savvy. When I write I need to keep in mind the audience, which may not be MY audience, that actually attends movies. I might have to step and fetch. I might have to make my hero, Mr. Spike Lee, turn up his nose at my work.
Because I’m 40 years old and I can’t and WON’T do poor. We can turn our noses up at what sells all we want to and ain’t ish gonna happen. Why? Because it sells.
Numbers don’t lie when translated into cash.
Sooner or later we’re going to have to realize that the good stuff ain’t selling but hey…the crazy ish does.
The best thing about US as Black people is that we are so diverse in our interests, experiences and life choices. The worst thing? We’re the minority and the majority still only connects what they believe as “the norm” with us. The majority of Whites. The majority of Hispanics. The majority of Asians…hell…the majority of BLACKS.
We won’t ever be fluid and yes…I suppose it’s a good thing unless you’re trying to make money encapsulating the MAJORITY of our MINORITY.
Does it make me sad? Yes. Does it make me want to continue on with my life of being a housewife and finally put to bed my dream of being a REAL filmmaker? Sometimes. But most times…no. I WANT to make movies. I NEED to make movies.
And I will…as long as they let me and the money doesn’t run out.
I promise.