I've been pondering this for quite some time now since the killing of the cartoonist some years ago for drawing a cartoon of Muhammad and still don't know how I feel about it.
I mean...on one hand I'm thinking as an American and say...hell...it's just a damn cartoon why yall killing folks over cartoons?
On the other hand...I try and think of folks who are EXTREMELY into their religion as Muslims and follow their rules accordingly. To them...it's like...don't mess with our stuff. Just cuz YALL don't hold ish sacred anymore doesn't mean other folks DON'T.
I get that.
But killing isn't the answer right?
And also...if you know that these folks are gonna wanna kill you...then your continuing to do this would kinda seem silly. I mean hell...who is going to give you the type of protection you're going to need for messing with them folks.
And then there is freedom of speech. WE have it. WE can say what we want to say but...if we say some inflammatory ish...we know we have to take what comes our way and we also know the Governor isn't going to deploy the National Guard to provide security for us right?
Last week, Lars Vilks, was in Sweden giving a speech talking about why he should be able to draw Muhammad if he wants to. Well...some folks in the audience rushed the stage and whupped his azz because, apparently, he went too damn far and had Muhammad acting gay-ish. To THEM and THEIR culture this was extremely disrespectful and, dare I say, an abomination worthy of getting your azz whupped behind. This happened AFTER 7 people had been arrested for plotting to kill him.
And now...Facebook has been blocked by Pakistani for "Draw Muhammad Day" which is supposed to be tomorrow.
My question is the same question I've had from Day 1: Just because our culture holds NOTHING sacred anymore and everything seems to be fair game for entertainment and (sometimes) improper speculation...should we attempt to force other cultures who DO hold certain things sacred to accept OUR version of FREEDOM OF SPEECH? If another culture consider this disrespectful...should we RESPECT this?