If a piece of fruit has a dry stem...don't buy it.
Asparagus shouldn't be thick or have vertical ridges. If it does...it's old and will be tough. BLECH!
If broccoli has a yellowish-green color...nerp!
Potatoes wit sprouts. Um...no...it's ready to be put in the ground. LITERALLY!
The darker the gills of a mushroom...the older the mushroom.
Eggplants should be firm all over!
Soft spots on cucumbers, peppers, melons? Um...no.
Dark, sunken spots on avocados? No.
Brown bananas? No. (Unless you're about to make some pudding or something.)
Cantaloupes with stems are UNDERRIPE. (Stem means it was hard for them to take it off the vine cuz it wasn't ready.)
Grapes shouldn't have brown, brittle stems.
Honeydew melons that are white-white or green white aren't ready. They should be a creamy color.
If a pear is soft near the stem. No.
Any leakage from a pineapple. No.
Whatchu got?