Sherri Lynn Davis is a two time teacher of the year in a Houston charter school.
One of her students is a 13 year old boy with a history of violence towards teachers and students.
The young man was bullying and threatening a special needs girl.
Sherri Lynn Davis (who is a head or so taller than the young man it seems) snapped and proceeded to beat his azz in class.
Sherri Lynn Davis pretty much says she gets sick of dealing with kids who have no discipline and their parents are uninvolved in their education AND discipline as she states THIS child's mother is. She is pretty much stating that not much teaching is going on in a lot of schools because of kids like this one and their need to figure out how to deal with them.
Sherri Lynn Davis says she simply...SNAPPED...and she has since been fired.
"Teacher Cites Frustration, Lack in Training in Attack"
What say you? How would you feel if this was YOUR child being handled? How would you feel if YOUR child was one of THIS child's victims?
Should teachers have to deal with kids who are threatening and violent? Do YOU know of a teacher who has been hit by a student?
Video with his mother speaking out regarding: