I've always noticed people who treat other people like shit. See...I don't like people like that. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to treat someone like shit and if you can't do anything but...you don't need to be around that person. See...I think people who NEED to treat people like shit are assholes and the less assholes have access to good people...the better.
Cuz this world has enough assholes and good people being around assholes makes them kinda assholeish.
Or something like that.
I believe everyone has good qualities. I believe there are things I'm good at that I can be better at simply by paying attention to the most unlikely of sources and I do believe it's a reason why I'm able to do what I do so well because I LISTEN.
I don't like assholes man and when I see that ish going down I make tracks. I'm too old and set in my ways to play fake and phony and fix my face so it's just best that I stay the hell away from assholes.
People that treat people like shit for no reason other than they think they can? They have issues.
Stay away from them. Please only surround yourself with people who take the time to treat you as you deserve to be treated. Even if you've fugged up big time...you still deserve the respect to be handled with gloves on or released with dignity.
I've always said that I would never, ever, EVER treat people as I've seen other folks treat people and I mean that. I was raised right.
I'm my mother's daughter.
How many people do YOU know that treat people like shit for no reason? What is YOUR relationship like with them? Do you find them to be happy people? Do you think they have a good life?
Or does it just emphasize they must be some bitter, miserable azz MFs?