If you want me to take you seriously...ACT seriously. Not ACK. ACT.
I understand that these days everybody is hustling but Imma need you to not call folks at their home at 9:00pm to offer your services.
You will ALWAYS get the gas face.
Maybe painting isn't all that great of an idea. That's gonna take a lot of effort and I want the carpet NOW.
I had a buy one get one free ticket to an amusement park to take E and a friend. Another friend asked if we had an extra ticket.
E: Who has an extra ticket to an amusement park????????
I love that kid man. He's been here before.
Shelly found Cole on the floor last night KNOCKED OUT SLEEP. She ain't NUTTIN talking bout she hopes he doesn't wake up all the way when she wakes him up to get him back in the bed cuz he's too big to be picked up anymore. LOL!
If Ojon didn't work so well for me as a pre-poo I'd have to leave it be. The smell really makes me frown.
I'm going try on some shoes today that my favorite shoe guy is holding for me. I hope they wear well.
Am I the only person I know who has to try on every pair of shoe and every article of clothing on before I buy it? I mean...I can't trust sizes it seems. My normal 8.5 size can go all the way up to a 39.5 according to the brand and a size 4 dress may fit me in one style but I'll need a size 8 in another.
I'd rather just try them on in the store as I HATE taking stuff back.
I've kinda been off schedule for over a week now because I've been trying to wrap my brain around something. I've since laid the something to rest. Ain't no use in me getting discombobulated not one more day.
If I showed you how many wine glasses are lined up on the side of the sink for hand washing you'd shake your finger at me.
How come the mother of that little boy missing hasn't rolled up on and beat the SHIT outta the stepmom to get her azz to start talking?
Lemme stop. Violence is not the answer right?
So back to painting. The color I like is Benjamin Moore California HIlls.
Robby: That's the same damn color! You're going to spend that much money to have it painted the same damn color?
Me: It's not the same damn color! It has hints of green and black in it!
Robby: Ain't no damn green or black in that hell!
Me: You ain't looking at it right!
Robby: What? I need to sneak up on it from the side so the green and black doesn't run off by the time it's in full view?
Me: Just leave it alone hell! I don't EVEN.MUCH know why I showed you in the first place! You'll see the difference when it's up on the damn walls hell!
And the beat goes on.
This stretch is interesting to me.
I don't like yoga.
The Black Eyed Peas confuse me.
It's such a pleasant morning today and I need to get to getting. I gotta lotta beauty stuff I have to do cuz I have to be "ON" tonight.
I'm still mad at Nerd Girl for insinuating that men named Antoine...wait...nuttin. ROFL!
What's going on random with you?
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