A woman lives in a district where her kids would have to go to poor performing schools.
Her father lives in a distict where the schools are really good.
The woman decides she wants her kids to go to the better schools so they may have the better quality education.
She uses her father's address so the kids can go to the schools in her father's area.
The district spends $6,000 on private investigators to follow the kids and their mother to prove they don't live in the district.
The mother is arrested for fraud and sent to jail for 10 days.
I posted this article on FB last night and a good discussion evolved. The following comment was particularly interesting to me:
But what would you do if your child is the one who's redistricted to another school because someone is unfairly taking up their space? That's precisely what's happening here in my county. They're redistricting and changing some feeder patterns... and some kids won't be able to go to their neighborhood school due to overcrowding. A lot of that overcrowding is directly attributable to people cheating. When you choose to buy a house in a particular school district and pay a premium price to get into that district you should not be pushed out because of folk committing fraud. I agree that jail is a bit harsh, but the bottom line is, if you're not happy with your schools do something about it, or move to a better district, don't mooch off others who've paid the price.
What say YOU?