For breakfast I'm pretty simple. Gimme some protein, whole grains and fruit...and I'm pretty good. Sometimes I have time to cook steel cook oats...a lot of time I don't.
I found these recently and they make me smile. One of the things I REALLY loved about them is that you can use the packet your serving comes in to measure the amount of water or milk you want in them. SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This would make it really simple to take this to work with you if you'd like to eat something quickly on the fly. Doesn't that make PURE.D.SENSE?
I nuke mine for a minute and then throw a handful of blueberries in for the last minute of cooking. Be careful if you do this cuz it makes the blueberries hot but when they burst open and melt into your oatmeal...whew boy! DEEEELICOUS!