Our suburban town is often described as sleepy whenever it's in the news. Folks around here dink around smiling and waving to each other. Neighbors have keys to their neighbor's homes in case of emergency. Folks give each other rides. We have each other over for dinner and "compete" with tablescapes and wine choices.
Serious burb life.
We love it here.
A minute ago an abortion doctor moved into the medical park a street over from one of the shopping areas. Okay...No biggie. Yall know I'm Pro-Life for me, Pro-Choice for others. I'm not about to tell anybody who doesn't want the responsibility of raising a child to do so, basic necessities be damned.
No biggie.
His being in our burb didn't affect me in any way.
Yesterday I'm taking The Robinator to work and turn down this street. There is a MAJOR protest going on. 1st Amendment rights in full effect and all that but then...I notice these big azz banners with the worst images these dumb azzes could find in order to depict what THEY see as abortion. I mean...we have no context as to where those pictures come from. We just see these horrific, horrific images and these fools all up in arms yelling and shit.
I'm sitting here thinking to myself...what if we'd had children in the car and they saw that. What in the HELL would that do to them?????
And then I noticed these damn fools have small children out there protesting with them. SERIOUSLY?????????????????????????????????????
I hate people.
Today...these people have grown exponentially. Now they are in the medians of the main road and folks are PISSED! These fools seriously are public nuisances and it irks the pig shit outta me. And then I find out these fools plan on being out there all week and I am hoping against hope that the temperature goes waaaaaaaaaaaaay up to like 215 degrees and melts them.
I mean sure...I'm glad we live in a country where you should be allowed to express your beliefs but I guess I'd hoped those beliefs would be reserved for stuff that affects you PERSONALLY ya know? I mean...if you're against abortion...DON'T HAVE A DAMN ABORTION! If you're against gay marriage...DON'T MARRY A GAY PERSON!
Good morning. I'm in a foul mood. Those folks annoy me.
Have YOU ever seen an abortion protest? What are your thoughts?