Now lookie here. Yall know I'm crazy. I make no bones about the fact that I am truly BAT.SHAT.CRAZY. I know how to CONTROL my crazy, however, and much of what I do extra crazy doesn't really affect others so yeah...I'm good.
SIP: Somebody needs to poll The Robinator.
See? Crazy. SIP is PROOF!
My kinda crazy is...air drying my brand of tangle-ey hair without ANY product in it. Crazy. Just don't make no kinda sense crazy. Just crazy.
But let me tell yall about something I do all the time that takes the cake.
I practice this phrase in my head ALL.THE.TIME.
Yall ready?
SIP: Yall ain't ready. You might THINK you're ready...but you're really not.
Dear SIP: SHUT IT! Love, Monnie
Aiight...back to ME!
The phrase I practice in my head ALL.THE.TIME. is:
"Who the fug you think you're talking to?"
Yup. I do.
Now ask me how many times I've actually had to say this out loud? I probably couldn't even count on one hand but if I had to...oh yeah...I'm ready.
"Who the fug you think you're talking to?"
I even have the head tilt and the eyebrow raise to go along with it just perfect.
The last time I said something even REMOTELY like this was on set once and a frustrated colleague yelled in my direction.
Knowing that the colleague is a good dude who was just frustrated at the time...I said, "Who the hell you yelling at?" pretty quickly...with the head tilt and eyebrow raise.
He adjusted, I adjusted and we kept it moving. I truly believe my practicing my "tone" and head tilt/eyebrow raise helped get the situation back to where it needed to be rather quickly.
I shared this with a re-donk-u-lous friend recently and that fool said she does the same thing with the phrase, "I'm sorry...what?" and we laughed our azzes off.
Because crazy people usually end up finding each other. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Yall prolly don't do this huh? You know...cuz yall all SANE and whatnot.
Anything your SIP does that could fit into this category?