A friend INSISTED I go to VH1 On Demand and watch "Single Ladies." I have to say...I like the "drama" of the story lines and I saw a major difference in the acting from the first one I saw to the last one I saw so yeah...they are getting better as they get more into it. That said...I think I'll keep up with the show via On Demand as I simply can't be trusted to remember when it comes on regular television because I'm old and have a lot of stuff on my brain and well...um...erra...
I just don't care enough.
One of the story lines made me go...hmmmmmmmm...
So let's see what YALL think shall we?
You're dating a guy who is handsome, nice and sweet.
Dude is a GOOD dude.
His dysfunctional family moved in with him due to hard times.
You're just getting to know him.
He has an emergency and drops his teenage niece off to your home and asks that you take her to her doctor's appointment because he couldn't because of the emergency.
The niece has a father.
Who isn't working.
What would YOU do?