I boycotted Target once for 4 months. It was hard as hell but I took a personal stand and, according to my husband, saved a crap load of money during the boycott. ROFL!
Earlier this week I needed to get Robby some of his soap and went to Target first. I was shocked at the price:
$8.44! That didn't sound quite right to me. Like...I felt I'd definitely have remembered if it had been $8.44 at Target. This isn't like some super dooper awesome stuff ya know? IT'S DOVE!
So I left in a huff and went to Walmart thinking they HAD to be cheaper!
$3.97??????????? HOLD THE HELL UP? So I can buy TWO of these at Walmart and still come out cheaper than one at Target?
Now yes...the one at Target is 18 ounces or so and the one at Walmart is 13.5 ounces but can anyone seriously justify that less than 5 ounces would mean we had to pay MORE.THAN.DOUBLE?????????? SERIOUSLY???????????????????????
And now? I want to compare EVERY.SINGLE.THING I buy at Target to the price at Walmart.
I can see fifty cents to a dollar more ya know? But more than DOUBLE??????????? C'mon Target...yall gotsta do better!
What say YOU?
Is this crazy to YOU???