I got the organizing bug from looking at all of the organizing options on Pinterest I even started a board about it with some of the cooler things I ran across. Organize It ALL!
We had a basement storage area from hell. Like...we'd talked about installing shelves forever and life just got in the way and we never got around to doing it. See...Robby and I are pretty lazy at home. I think it's because we're the type of people who go all out when we're at work. Like...we WORK so when we get home...we CHILL.
SIP: Lazy azzes.
So yeah...I just went ahead and ordered the dang shelves and it forced us to make a move and we got to getting. Basement Storage Clutter Solution!
Slowly but surely we've been de-cluttering our home. Getting rid of things we never use for whatever reason and organizing what's left.
I'm currently doing our bedroom, bathroom and bedroom closet (which houses our everyday clothes and shoes). I purged first and then made an assessment of what is left over and now I'm trying to figure out the best way to store everything leftover.
Like...everyday shoes:
And belts:
And jewelry:
AND CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aiight...everything we're keeping is in there. Now I just gotta figure out the best way to make it do what it do. I want to remove everything out of the closet, including the current shelves and paint or wallpaper it. Then...I want to install an Elfa system. The closet is pretty small so I'll need to plan every single inch of it to get the maximum use out of it. I wonder if, the way it's set up now is the best option sicne there is nothing in there except clothes and shoes for the most part.
Okay...I'm rambling...
Basically, I want to have every inch of 13700 clutter free and organized because there is seriously not one good reason why it isn't. When we're organized we're much happier and productive at home and yeah...that's important.
Do you have any bedroom organizing tips? What about jewelry? That's gonna be a MAJOR one I think. I totally love this idea and think I'm going to go with this for necklaces and bracelets for sure:
Isn't that cool?
Once I'm finished in here...I think I'm going to do our office. It's grown exponentially in clutter since we put in the Elfa office systems years ago. We've added some other Elfa elements to it and they filled up with clutter too. It was a situation where we had more storage options so we filled them up with clutter.
I'm going to rectify that situation soon.
The thing we've learned about doing this project is to not make it a big deal. I mean hey...it's our house. We can take as long as we want to finish a project as long as we keep it remotely presentable once we stop for whatever reason. We just do what we can when we can. Like...I haven't started taking the things out of the bathroom cabinets yet because I'm pacing myself. I feel like if I tried to do too much at once it wouldn't get done because it would be too overwhelming. So yeah...kinda like a drawer at a time. When I can. No biggie. And we don't stack up more stuff than we can get to the Salvation Army at once because that's just more clutter somewhere to irk us.
Okay...so yeah...whew...it's work but it's sooooooooooo rewarding!
What say you? When's the last time you were hit by the decluttering bug? Any tips? Ideas? Lessons learned? Have you ever installed a closet system yourself or did you hire someone to do it?