An unmarried couple gets pregnant.
They breakup before the baby is born.
As soon as legally possible, the mother goes to put in a claim for child support.
The father pays sporadically initially and then stops completely.
The mother makes it do what it do and raises her child without the financial or emotional support from the father.
The child is 20 years old and a junior in college.
The mother gets a check in the mail for a MAJOR amount of money.
Like...a year's salary (for her) major.
Turns out, the deadbeat dad was in a bad accident with a state owned vehicle and won a big settlement.
His child support debt came up and the money was AUTOMATICALLY taken out of the settlement to pay the mother before he got his cut.
The mother is blown away as they haven't seen hide nor hair from the father since the child was a baby.
The mother tells the child.
The child assumes the money, or some portion of the money, should be for their personal use and says so.
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