You're visiting a relative during a particularly trying time for your family at large.
The visit was totally unexpected but everyone did what they had to do to make it work.
When you arrived at the relative's home, it was in a disarray.
The relative is elderly and can't get around much.
You immediately get to cleaning and putting things away knowing other family members and family friends would be coming and going over the next few days.
When you wake the next day after an EXHAUSTING day and late night of cleaning, you go to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
The relative you're staying with is in there and isn't speaking to you.
You know the relative is funny acting sometimes so you don't really put much thought into it.
You head out to buy some things for the event surrounding the reason you're there.
While out, another relative calls and tells you that host relative is pissed because you came to their house acting all high-falluting cleaning like their house was nasty (which it kinda was).
It is said that you think you're better than the HOST relative and the HOST relative is some kinda upset.
The information giving relative tells you to not worry about it because they can imagine the state of the house once you got there and everyone else knows that you were trying to make sure that the house was clean enough to receive company.
Are you a big enough person to return to the house, with the stuff you intend on purchasing, without saying anything and continue on until after the event?
Or...are you going to say to hell with buying anything for their azzes, getting your ish and checking into a hotel?
Remember...this is a VERY difficult time for your family.
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