A few months ago Jaru started this weird scratching crap. Like...he would start and couldn't stop. No matter where he was or what he was doing.
Even if he was sleeping.
On the leather sofa.
One morning we came down and noticed the first hole in the damn sofa seat cushion. Soon there were three holes and then...as many as five on two cushions.
Damn sofa looked like it was on a rickety porch down in Memphis somewhere hustling and flowing.
No biggie since I've been SLOWLY looking for a new one right?
Damn dog hasn't stopped scratching so I spend a crap load of money on a NEW Thomasville reclining leather sofa and let him scratch that one up too?
So what to do?
I scoured the internet for solutions and seriously...nothing seemed like it was going to be a good enough solution so I went to ABBA Upholstery in Gaithersburg. They sold me a leather hide as close to the color of the leather on the sofa as possible seeing as though it's a 10-year old sofa. Then they took my old cushion covers and remade the covers down to the velcro on the back of them. SO.AWESOME!!!!!!!!!
Initially they said it would take 2 weeks but 2 weeks was Friday and I didn't get them until today. We've been living on the sofa using a blanket for all this time and BAAAAAAAABY! We were soooooooooooo happy today when we put them on! GO.US!
So yeah...moral of the story is...there probably isn't a refinishing product that you'll like either if you're anything like me. The new cushion covers ended up costing us $425 but that's way cheaper than how much it would cost to replace the entire damn sofa running the risk of the damn dog scratching another hole in a BRAND.NEW.SOFA.
I'm good with the slight discoloration until his azz stops scratching or until we just wear out the new pebbled cushions and make it all smooth and worn. LOL! $425 WELL spent in my opinion! GO ME! GO US! 13700 ROCKS!
What would YOU have done?