I've been kind of oblivious to this and spent some time yesterday reading the different articles about it. Seems as though a Black woman having a thing for a married White man is a major no-no to Black-men-representatives and other Black women watching the show and empathizing with Olivia are all kindsa "White man's whores."
It's television.
Television is make believe.
I figure the same ones going in on it were of the same caliber of people who criticized "The Cosby Show" because it was a "fairy tale" in their opinion.
Okay...let's move on.
I'll tell you my problem with "Scandal" cuz yeah...I have problems with it. Not with the show being on...but with what Olivia is doing cuz you know...I know her in my head. LOL! I am disappointed in her personal life same as if I'd be if I knew her in real life and knew she was boinking a married man. I'd be all like...GIRL! YOU'D BETTER FOCUS ON THAT FINE AZZ SINGLE SENATOR WHO WANTS YOUR COCKEYED AZZ HELL!
I didn't watch it last night because The Robinator is sick and we were watching "Downton Abbey" and he was all comfortable and whatnot and I didn't want to rock his boat cuz seriously...dude is cranky when he's sick. I'm finished watching it now and last night's episode just left me with a big old UGH in me. I mean...Olivia ain't shit you know? Seriously...she ain't shit.
But it's television.
Television is make believe.
I know this.
I respect this.
The level of drama I've seen makes me anticipate the show all week until I just can't take it anymore. I mean..we all know Olivia's comeuppance is coming right? And we all want to be there when it happens.
I was listening to a segment on NPR recently and Jimmie Walker basically stated that stuff with Black people in them don't get made cuz really...nobody feels like dealing with all the bullshit complaining folks do about the damn shows. I've been thinking a lot about that.
MARTIN: Did people ever confront you when you were out and about, you know, at the time, to say, we don't like your portrayal? Did that ever happen?
WALKER: I think now that the Internet is out, there's always going to be people who don't like you. And I think what happens is it also is reflective in black TV shows and movies that you're not going to get any more of those because of the constant complaining and moaning and groaning, as you know, in the commercial television and radio industry. The point is to make money, and therefore, the networks themselves have stopped doing any ethnic shows because they don't want the aggravation.
MARTIN: Interesting.
WALKER: So I don't think...
MARTIN: So you think, in a perverse way, it actually inhibits more diverse content because people don't want the headache?
WALKER: Without a doubt. You'll see - because what'll happen is any minority character you see on a show now is always the police commissioner, the head of the hospital, the school superintendent. Those kind of people, they don't invoke followings. The people that are going to get attention are the wacky guys, the Cramers, the Charlie Sheens of the world. Those are the people that are going to get that sort of attention and eventually become stars. You'll never see a black Will Ferrell. You'll never see a black Adam Sandler, because black people aren't allowed to play those kind of roles.
I always say you have to be the person who takes the pie. If you're not willing to take the pie, you're not going to be noticed.
From: Dyn-O-Mite! Comedian Jimmie Walker Talks Showbiz
I wonder what these Black men who hate the show would think about "Downton Abbey" cuz BAAAAAAAAAAABY...now that's some scandalous mess right there! Oh...and I LURVE IT!
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