We're currently in San Diego visiting VeggieBee for the Carlsbad Marathon. She had been looking for curtains to finish off her living room and I pulled up the JCPenny website to show her where I buy curtains cuz really...JCPenny has AWESOME.SAUCE curtains.
We went to the store and we were walking through to get to the escalators when I started noticing that JCPenny had some really cute stuff out. Then I stopped when I saw this jacket, took my jacket off and slipped it on:
Um...it fit NOICE.
I started looking around mo' betta and I found 5 pieces that I decided I HAD.TO.HAVE.
My favorite piece?
The MNG by Mango line is super cute. Whenever I'm in Miami I go to Mango in South Beach so I was excited when I saw their brand there.
Have YOU looked around at JCPenny's lately? And the prices?????? SWOON.