When I was in high school, everybody had a boyfriend.
Except me.
My father didn't play that.
I never got to go to any parties, dances, etc. unless they were FAMILY events.
And only certain family members counted as family. LOL!
I got tired of being teased and ish so I made up a boyfriend from my old middle school, Timothy.
He played basketball, was an honors student and we talked on the phone every.single.night.
I was all blah-zey-blah when I spoke about him.
I don't remember why or when...but I remember we "broke up."
I was fake heartbroken for about three days.
I "broke up" with him cuz this one chick kept asking me questions about him and seriously...I hadn't thunk it all out when I first mentioned his existence.
Yeah...good old Timothy.
I've resurrected him lots of times since high school. Dude being too persistent when I wasn't interested? Timothy. Weird work guy shooting me googly eyes? Timothy. Policeman who just gave me a ticket and wants to know if I'm single? Timothy.
Good old Timothy.
Whatchall got?