Well...the cat's outta the bag and my poor T-Rhonda knows she accidentally "glutened" me cuz Shelly told on me. LOL!
It's the first time it happened to me since being diagnosed and man I tell you...I felt it pretty much immediately. I got really tired but I initially thought it was because we've been traveling for two weeks straight without much down time. Then...I went to sleep and woke up with a rash and a swollen face. My stomach was in serious pain and I was bloated like crazy. I started drinking lots of hot water but I still couldn't figure out what got me.
T-Rhonda had painstakingly made me gluten free dishes and they were delicious! She kept saying, "No flour. I didn't use any flour!" She was SO proud and I felt SO LOVED!!!!!!!!!
One of the dishes was a crawfish and corn chowder. OH MY WORD it was delicious! I had some of the leftovers before bed THE NEXT NIGHT TOO!
And was still in pain.
Robby loved the chowder so much that I asked for the recipe and well...that's when I discovered that the chowder was the culprit. She used a Campbell's soup to make the base and well...yeah...that tanked me. They do have some gluten-free products but the one she used was not one: Campbell's Gluten Free
I was totally unprepared for being glutened as I'm so careful so I didn't know really what to do. I was sooooo tired and really...I still am. Like...EXTREME fatigue. My stomach is on hurt big time, I have a headache, diarrhea, I'm bloated and I generally feel like a Mack truck ran me down. I asked Mr. Google about it and well...
From Celiac.com:
How Celiacs can Deal with Accidental Gluten Ingestion
I've been drinking water in large amounts and eating lots of fruit. I'm totally scared to eat anything that isn't raw fruit or veggie right now. I had some fish yesterday but I made sure it was grilled simply.
The biggest thing affecting me right now is the fatigue. Last night I just felt like slumping to the dirty New Orleans ground and bawling toddler style I was so exhausted.
Whew...NOT.GOOD. Apparently I'll feel like this for 5 - 10 days after digesting the gluten.
T-Rhonda feels awful but this is a pretty common mistake. If you haven't read up on Celiac's disease...it's pretty difficult to actually know what's what. I know she loves me...so I know she wasn't trying to kill her girl off. ROFL!