I'm at the pool with Coley and K.
When we checked in, a woman was trying to get the resident prices when her address on her driver's license didn't support her claim.
It's pretty cut and dried.
She was mad because it was almost double what she thought she'd pay.
But she paid.
She was then told that she had to be IN the pool with the 5 year old she had with her and that she couldn't wear street clothes on the pool deck. She had 3 kids with her.
She's currently on the pool deck with her feet in the hot tub. Her pants are pulled up so she doesn't get them wet.
The 5 year old is in the 5 ft. pool area with the other two kids and she's flipping through a magazine clear on the other side of the pool.
Here is my question to you...do you think it's important to follow the rules when you're with your kids? You know...if the rules were CLEARLY stated to you in front of the kids? Do you think that, should your kids see you breaking the rules...they will be more likely to break rules? Even YOUR rules?