You are out shopping and see a friend you know who is a stay-at-home mom.
She's working at the store you're browsing in.
This is news to you.
But no biggie.
A couple of weeks later her name comes up in conversation and someone says they haven't seen her around in a minute.
You say, "Oh, that's probably because she's working now."
The person is surprised and you tell them you saw her at work a couple of weeks ago.
The next day, the person you were talking to calls and tells you that she called the former stay-at-home mother and asked her why she didn't tell her that she's now working and that she said "I knew she couldn't keep her big mouth shut" talking about you.
You're annoyed because you didn't think it was a big secret because...
1. It was at the area mall so plenty of people would run into her.
2. You shared it in a perfectly legitimate way without malice.
3. The friend on your phone RIGHT THIS MINUTE is obviously about some mess and you want to tag her something proper.
How would you handle?