I pride myself on doing a lot of things the way my mother used to do them. She knew how to run a household right and did more with much less than I've ever had to. SHE WAS AWESOME.SAUCE!
Whenever we were sick, she'd make us a hot bubble bath all fragrant and whatnot. Bathe us up good, powder us up, put us in some fresh pajamas and tuck us into bed. PERFECTION. The bubble bath she always used came from this bottle:
Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps Pure-Castile Soap, 18-in-1 Hemp Lavender
The bottle lasted so long, the cap was PERPETUALLY dusty and needed wiping good before she opened it up. (How does stuff get dusty inside a cabinet? Hmmmmm...)
On Sunday's, when The Robinator isn't golfing, we watch CBS Sunday Morning and then take a bubble bath. My bubble bath game is strong. I buy them from all over and try all different kinds.
Well...I was at Trader Joe's and got nostalgic when I saw this and decided to buy it:
They only had this kind but heck...peppermint is good right?
The following Sunday morning I made our bubble bath and was grinned-t up at how good it made our room and bathroom smell. I added a bit more because it didn't make bubbles but then I read on the label, amid all the other writing, that there is no foaming agent so...um...okay.
The Robinator commented on it. "Wow...that smells so good! New bubble bath?"
And I was grinning and told him about how my mommy used to bathe us in it when we were sick.
We were in the hot bubble bath talking when suddenly The Robinator got this weird look on his face.
The Robinator: Um...Monnie...is this stuff supposed to...
And then I felt it too.
Chile...there is no weirder feeling than being cold in a hot bubble bath and having all your um...erra...normally hidden bits and pieces tingling weirdly.
We got up outta that tub so quick and then...we were FREEZING! I'm taking teeth chattering cold. MAD.ABOUT.IT we were I tell you!
Our day was all messed up after that cuz we didn't have our normal relaxing start and whew...we still mad.
This bottle has made it's way out of our bathroom and now I don't know what to do about it. I'm reading up on all the different uses of it and try that. http://www.drbronner.com/faqs_main.php
Have YOU ever used it?