A 35 year old guy you're seriously dating doesn't talk much about his father.
His parents got divorced when he was 4 years old and his father got another job in another state clear across the country.
His father re-married and had 3 children.
He's met his step-mother twice and his half-siblings once.
He and his mother are close.
His mother believes that, had his father not moved...he would have continued being a part of his life.
He believes that his mother never got over his father and thinks of him in an idealized way.
His half-sister invited him to her wedding.
He doesn't know if he should go.
He asks you what you think.
What do you say?
Would you remind him that he's an adult and that, if he wanted to get to know his father, he could do so now?
Or would you be of the mind that he should let sleeping dogs lie and say nothing much allowing him to work this out on his own?