Son: Mom, what's funny about saying Idaho?
Mom: Funny? I don't know. It's a state.
Son: They kept trying to get me to say it slow at school and laughing.
Mom: Funny? I-da-HO...wait...don't you say that.
Son: Huh? Why?
Mom: Um...because...that's why.
Mom was caught off guard and didn't really know what to say so she fell back on old-mommy-sayings. BECAUSE! PERIOD!
Mom is then at an event with other moms and they are discussing what to do when their kids come home from school with bad words they picked up from other kids. One mom said her 8 year old son told his father, with a smile thinking it's funny that, he'd slice his nut sack. They are super religious people and the child is attending a religious based church. The mom was at a loss as to what to say to her son so her husband handled it.
How did YOU handle when YOUR kids came home with bad words? Were you ever caught off guard and was at a loss as to what to say?