If someone is no longer attracted to their spouse...is it THEIR fault...or the fault of the spouse?
For instance...
Say a couple gained weight together and then...one day the wife decided enough is enough.
She started cooking healthier, working out and generally making better choices. She cooked the same foods for her husband, but he chose to eat outside of the home because he didn't like all that "healthy crap." She started getting up at 4:30am to workout at home because they have children and each have full time jobs.
She feels like if she can do it...then so should he have been able to.
Years later...she's no longer attracted to him.
At all.
Is it her fault?
Or is it his?
What...IN YOUR OPINION...could a couple like this do in order to get back on the good foot with each other. Does she have to lower HER standards or does he have to raise HIS standards for himself?
Would you feel differently if the situation was swapped and HE was the one no longer attracted to her for the same reasons?
What do you think about THIS advice? Relationship Problems: I'm Not Attracted to My Husband