I've had so many discouraging conversations and meetings in the past 6 months that I guess I started believing some of the hype. Then...all is revealed as the true reason for someone not liking what YOU'RE doing is shown because they want you to help them do what THEY are doing.
You have to be true to yourself.
I stumbled upon something yesterday that tanked my mood.
I'm working with some pretty awesome people on a non-profit project that has me extremely excited and giddy about the possibilities of true impact we will make.
The Robinator is truly the only thing on this Earth that I could not live without. That man is truly remarkable in EVERY.SINGLE.WAY.
I was at an event recently and wondered why I was there. Someone standing on the peripherals looked as if they were thinking the same thing. By the end of the evening we both realized we were there to connect with the other.
More money. More problems.
I've been meaning to stop and have the interior of my truck detailed and have yet to do it. The mats are crappy because of the Cherry Blossom tree buds from the beginning of Spring.
I don't understand this weather and dare any of you to explain it to me. It was in the 80's yesterday. Today it's fleece cold.
I changed the fruit bowl on my kitchen counter to a much smaller one and now I have more counter space.
Rocket science shit.
I so hate talking on the phone about nothing.
A kid knocked on my door with a really bad blond lace front wig. She was raising money to attend some type of performing camp. The organization she was repping dropped about 6 of them off in our neighborhood. I didn't have cash so I didn't give her any money.
I gave her my personal card instead.
I haven't been able to forget that young lady. I should have gotten HER number so I could check on her.
The older I get, the more I can't ignore what I see.
I hope I never get cynical and ugly.
I was talking to a framily member yesterday and she reminded me that all daddies ain't good daddies.
You can say that shit again.
I recently helped someone do a resume. They'd never had one before and yet...they are in their 30s. They were amazed to see their work experience on paper and it gave them a boost of confidence to note all they've accomplished.
Seems like everybody is looking for a job these days.
I'm currently listening to Prince - I Can't Make U Love Me from the Emancipation album.
I still haven't painted these darn baseboards for the Spring.
I think I got sick of Spring cleaning after that damn deck.
I love my deck. I haven't been able to use it as much as I'd like because of the weather and my allergies but yeah...still loving it.
I hate flower pots without draining holes. WHY DO THEY EXIST???????????????
All I've had so far today is water and coffee.
I don't know why.
Don't tell Robby. He'd flip out on me.
Last night I wanted tacos. A thunder storm with flood warnings rolled through here so tough I chose to not venture out. I'd done my Thursday errands earlier so I whipped up some fajitas with what I had available. I didn't make them too saucy and I added a slice of avocado to each one. TALK.ABOUT.DELICIOUS.
Google Hangout is pretty darn excellent for group meetings.
You have to have something that makes you happy and, if you don't, it simply means you haven't been exposed to it yet. Get out of your comfort zone and try some new shit. The only person who can keep you in that box is reading this right now.
Watching Lucy adjust to her life handicapped is eye opening.
I just remembered I have a bag of charcoal in my truck that I forgot to tell Robby about so he could bring it inside.
Make sure whatever you're doing MATTERS.
I learned that from Robby. Again...that dude is awesome sauce.
Jaru is sick of Lucy. LOL!
I'd better get something to eat.
What's going on random with you?