A few weeks ago I was in line at the Amish Market getting my normal split breast chicken. The line for the prepared food is a shoulder's length alongside it and it can be a bit confusing at times. Most people just ask which line you're in so they know if they should simply get in line behind you.
It's pretty civil.
Hey...it's the Amish Market. You're always happy there.
On this particular day, a woman asked me which line was I was in and I told her the raw foods line. She then asked the guy on side of me which line he was in and dude sighed all hard and ish and indicated he was in the same line I was in. Like...the way dude did it was straight up jackassery.
Had he done the same to me, Idda been like, "Dude...seriously? Don't be an azz."
I looked at the lady to give her a sympathetic I-recognize-he's-an-asshole look and got sad when she winced and drew into herself. Made herself smaller. Her shoulder's slumped, she dipped her head. She was used to being treated like shit.
And that pissed me off.
Survivors of abuse recognize the signs in others.
The line moved slowly and, at one point the woman looked directly at me from where she stood in the prepared food line a shoulder length away from me. I smiled and said, "You have beautiful eyes." And honestly...she did.
She looked at me all weird and whatnot and I told her that I'm a filmmaker and I have a tendency to notice striking features.
She thanked me.
Then she asked me what kind of movies I made and I gave her my normal one, two about "The Coalition" and where she could find it. She then pulled out her phone so she could write the information down.
I left...and hadn't thought about her since until yesterday.
I received a FB message on my "fanpage" (I totally hate that word) from her. She told the story of how we met so I would remember her and she thanked me again and again and again for the compliment. In her own words:
Ms.Monica I thank you your compliment made my day.
She then went on to speak out loud, probably for the first time...her dream:
Ms.Monica truth be written even more so from me I have always wanted to do something,read something,just anything of something positve in front of a camera I just never knew how to go about it and find out.Well Ms.Monica I'am definitely intrested to see if I can just be seen or heard in the filmimg industry.I don't have a car right now because it's not in my budget to continue to be honest with you because that's just me that's all of me{nothing but honesty}Ms.Monica if you could please just direct me in anyway of how when and where and what time casting calls may be held.I will do all I know how to do within and possibily over my financial budget to get wherever it maybe...I don't have a photo of myself posted on my facebook account as of yet because I'am experiencing technical issues with my cell{email account&my computer email account}so my only other option to get casting call information from you would be to attach my cell#'s within this message to you with my prayers,hopes and wishes that you feel my sincere intrest.I Thankyou Ms.Monica for reading my message....N-Joy Your Day
It was obvious she was typing from her phone and just trying to rush and get it all out.
And now I can't get her out of my mind just remembering how quickly she pulled into herself in automatic protection mode. I sent her a reply that I hope makes her smile again and I hope it makes her continue to dream and live life out loud. I know the value of talking to someone who had challenges along the lines of yours and who've overcome the majority of the emotional setbacks their past dealt them. It's hard to imagine something if you never see it so I'm hoping that I can place things, people and opportunities in her path which may be an inspiration.
Who knows? You never know. Anything can happen right?
As always I'm sent answers and validation for thoughts and ideas and I'm so grateful there are always signs that I need to continue doing what I'm doing.
Just have to figure out how to give more people a leg up. Helping...and not sitting around comfortable in my own little bubble because honestly...we all need people.
Has a stranger ever complimented you and it made your day? Do you compliment strangers?