The other day I read about the three teenagers who shot and killed Christopher Lane. Their story is that they were bored so they decided to kill somebody.
Christopher was running, exercising, and they shot him in the back with a .22 because they were bored.
15, 16 and 17 years old.
Only one pulled the trigger, but the other two went along with it. There didn't seem to be any discussion as to why they shouldn't do this. Just...bored and wanted some excitement. Cuz it's exciting to kill a man right? A man you don't know. A man with a life and a family. A man who would be missed by many. A stranger. Someone they didn't know. empathy should be shown to him. No...respect. No general valuation of his life as a human being.
We're bored...let's go kill someone, not...we're bored...let's go ride our bikes. Or...let's go to the movies. Or...let's go swimming. Or...let's do something LEGAL and actually fun.
Let's kill someone instead.
My disgust is so deep it's a reservoir. What kind of people are the parents of kids who get bored and decide killing someone is the best alternative?
"One of the suspect's mothers told CBS affiliate KWTV in Oklahoma City her son and his friends were in a "wannabe gang." Police told KWTV the suspects may have killed an animal prior to shooting Lane, and that they planned on killing more people."
That shit pisses me off.
Make sure your kids have ish to do. Enrich their minds. Expose them to options. Encourage their dreams. Unless, of course, their dream is to be in a wannabe gang. *sigh*