You know a friend's husband has left her.
Yall are the kind of friends who chat up a storm when you see each other but not phone friends, etc.
You run into her while running errands.
Yall decide to grab some lunch.
She is talking about the summer and how she is getting ready for the kids to return to school.
She's talking about her husband like he's still home and all is still well.
You know she's going to find out that you already knew he'd left her later on because of who told you.
Would it be more awkward if you told her now that you knew or do you think it would be more awkward for her if she finds out later that you knew and you let her continue on while yall had lunch?
You're not a meanie and you figure she's just not ready to talk about it but're kinda worried about how she'll react when she finds out you already knew.