I'm old school when it comes to cleaning products. If you look at the stuff I buy...it's pretty much the same stuff my mother used to buy. Pledge, Windex, Old English, Pine Sol, Tilex, Comet, ammonia, bleach, vinegar, baking soda, etc.
I have a tendency to put hot water in the kitchen sink and add Pine Sol to it and wipe down my kitchen cabinets. I love the smell and it keeps them pretty clean.
The last time I did this I walked around for about an hour after trying to figure out what the smell was I kept smelling. I'd purchased the Citrus, Lime, Basil candle from Target's MELT collection and kept wondering if that's what I was smelling. It wasn't an unpleasant smell...just an unfamiliar one. I hoped it wasn't the candle because I thought it would smell better than what I was smelling and anyway...I'd only just lit it so there is no way the smell could be so strong and...following me around.
I went upstairs to wash my hands and use some of the brown sugar and vitamin E oil scrub that I made a while ago to use on my hands after I handle harsh household chemicals or work in the yard and I realized I smelled the smell in my bathroom too.
And then I smelled my hands.
The smell was there.
Not unpleasant...just DIFFERENT.
So I went downstairs under the sink and pulled out the bottle of Pine Sol I'd used. It was a new bottle that I'd picked up when I bought the candle and yup...the words, "New and Improved, Longer Lasting Scent" jumped out at me.
Say bruh...Pine Sol doesn't need any changing. Pine Sol is perfectly perfect just as it is/was. Now...I hate that I have to go on this rant and whatnot but honestly...I'm feeling some kinda way. It's Pine Sol. People who know how to keep house well...know about Pine Sol. You don't need to do anything to attempt to entice us. We LIKE the old smell. It's all...you know...Pine-Sol-ey. This new stuff seriously smells like the sap that gets on your hands when you're bringing the Christmas tree inside. No. Just...no. Why you gotta go messing with the good stuff? You already have all those shiny candy colored fragrance ones for new folks...the old school folks like me are good with our original scent big bottle of Pine Sol. We keep a bottle upstairs and a bottle downstairs so we don't have to carry it up and down the stairs and now you gotta be messing with our delicate sensibilities like this. Is NOTHING sacred anymore?
I've been buying Pine Sol the entire time I've lived in my own dorm room/apartment/condo/home, etc. as, I'm sure, many, many others have. I've never NOT bought it. When I run out, or get close to running out...it's added to the list. I'll never NOT buy it.
You don't need to change it. I've been hooked for a while now. Well...hooked on the old smell. This new stuff?
Do YOU use Pine Sol? Did you think it needed a "new and improved" smell?