For some reason I'm always asked for marriage advice by new brides. I always say the same thing. "Cherish each other because it's you and him against the world."
Good advice right?
I said this recently to a young woman about to get married and her friend chimed in with, "But what if he doesn't cherish you? Do you stop cherishing him or do you still do for him hoping he'll start doing for you?"
Me: Um...
Her: Like...what if he's always angry all the time and doesn't really take it out on you but you have to tiptoe around him because he's always angry?
Me: Um...
Her: What if you know something is wrong but he just won't tell you?
Me: Um...
Her: Do still cherish him then?
SIP: Say bruh...this was some sweet shit going on and you just dumped kerosene on it and lit a marriage match.
Me: I do not have initials behind my name and those sound like issues folks with initials behind their names need to help you with. Now...if you want to send me an email with specifics to post anonymously on my blog I will but that's all I got.
What about you? Whatchu got?