I'm sorry to tell you this because it seems as if many people think that once you fall in love and take your relationship to the next level...everything is going to be perfect. Disney birds are going to start flying around your house, magical music notes will float up from the floor under your every step. Love will make it all perfect and you will be in seventh heaven.
Your home will always be lovely. You'll have amazing meals seated at a table every.single.night with matching place settings and healthy, heart happy meals.
You will always, ALWAYS, want to be right up under the one you love just breathing in yall's perfection as a couple knowing you're doing it all right.
And then one day you'll wake up from that damn dream and see what it's REALLY like and you'll start to have problems because your crazy azz has been living in never-never land and Michael Jackson put the key inside a big azz tiger or some shit.
Cuz yeah...that shit is a fantasy.
Ladies...gentlemen...please help us out here. I have a young newlywed who is finding out that the hazy, bubble she was living in inside of her head was all a dream. Please let her know that WE ALL know good and well that it's not always Disney birds and shit even though it's good most of the time. Tell her about how you can ask your spouse to do something a hundred GAMILLION TIMES and it doesn't get done until you snap and jump all the way cray-cray-crazy. Tell her about how, even though they KNOW, Christmas is coming, they will still complain about picking up the tree knowing GOOD AND DAMN WELL THEY LOVE IT WHEN THE TREE IS UP AND EVERYTHING IS ALL CHRISTMASY PERFECT! Tell her about how you can love your spouse to the ends of the earth and beyond but sometimes...SOMETIMES...you just need some down time without ANY TALKING until you can talk again.
These younguns need advice on how to handle the non-blissful stuff. Please advise.