I hate yoga. Like...HATE yoga. It's too quiet and I think some of the poses do too much. I'm not a contortionist and I can't play one on tv. I do yoga poses at home because it gives me a complete stretch but the classes? No. I don't like that. TOTALLY good on yoga classes.
So there has been some controversy surrounding what a self-proclaimed skinny White girl felt an overweight Black woman was feeling and thinking during a yoga class. When I first read it on XO Jane...I straight up said, GTFOOHWTBS and kept it moving.
But the conversation got a bit louder among my peers as everyone seemed to be offended by the self absorption of the poor little empathetic self proclaimed skinny White woman.
Yesterday, I decided to weigh in on one of the conversations on FB about this heffa and well...yall know how I can get when I'm pissed and guess what...I'm still pissed this morning.
SIP: THIS is why I won't be anyone's only Black friend. We can be cool...but if you don't have ANY Black friends before meeting me...GTFOOHWTBS. Nucking futs.
Up until real recently I did Pilates pretty exclusively. I've pretty much always been the only Black woman in the classes. Maybe once or twice I've seen some Black women but they never lasted. Now, I attend a class that is something basically new. I have never, ever, ever seen a Black person in the building even. I'm not confident in my abilities in this new class because I've never been a ballet dancer but the workout is flipping amazing. That said...I never feel out of place and everyone is as friendly as you can be when you're arriving and leaving out together. "Great class...I like the 12:15 instructor better...have you ever been to the Sunday all hands group?" I never think twice about them and would be surprised if they thought twice about me even though I'm the only Black person there. I'd probably be more pissed than a little bit and any hostility "felt" emanating from me would probably be for a good azz reason and I'd most likely snap and cuss somebody out to the point where they would sit in the parking lot to see if I'm attending that class first before they go in. UGH! I just hate ish like this. I mean...and you know she probably genuinely meant no harm in writing that ish and was trying to be all save the world and shit NOT EVEN REALIZING THAT HER THOUGHT PROCESS WAS FUGGED UP!
Now...let's discuss why the chick just lay there not moving. The Black chick. I mean...that's just not normal. Or did Jen embellish. I'm not laying on the floor doing nothing for an hour in an expensive azz yoga class hell.
You don't get anything out of the class and you look stupid. So...listen up. If Jen DIDN'T embellish and the Black woman just curled up into a flipping ball on the floor...yeah...that would be some ish to notice and feel sorry for but hell...why not ask the woman if she needs help or...GASP...ask the instructor why in the hell she isn't over there showing the woman some basic poses she can do in lieu of the instructed poses? See...I'm getting mad all over again. Ish like this pisses me off. You think I wouldn't have offered to help the woman? What if we were in a hip hop dance class and a White woman was in there and couldn't move? Wait...bad analogy cuz I wouldn't be able to help her...BUT YALL GET THE PICTURE! N E WAY...easiest thing in the world is to talk to people hell. Open your mouth. Don't go home and make yourself cry about some random ish. That woman could be at the top of her game in EVERY.SINGLE.OTHER.AREA.OF.LIFE. So she didn't click with a damn yoga class. Does that mean her ENTIRE LIFE SUCKS? Cuz she can't do a fugging downward facing dog? Lord....lemme go...
And now the stupid ish starts. Nobody needs satire when it comes to this crap. We need REAL dialogue. UGH!http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../t-happened-to-me-there...
Oh...and to those saying all Black women should start taking yoga to shake this up? Yeah...no...I'm good. I don't let anyone MAKE me do something I can't stand doing and I HATE yoga. HATE.HATE.HATE.
So yeah...I found it annoying as hell. What about you? Did YOU get annoyed? Make a White friend if you don't have any. Make a Black friend if you don't have any. Not me...cuz I can't be anyone's first Black friend and I get reeeeeeeeeeeeeal salty behind that and will probably do more harm to your intent than good as I tell you to GTFOOHWTBS.