Recently I was around a group of people who were in party mode. The age range of the group varied but the maturity level of most of them were pretty much the same. The conversation turned to relationships and finding a good mate and how that is extremely difficult to do. One man went on and on about how he wants a traditional woman but can't find one. Says he wants a woman who cooks and cleans and keeps a nice house. You know...keeps herself up right.
One woman went on and on about how grandparents stayed together no matter what and that people don't have staying power anymore because men ain't men and one man said women don't know how to let a man be a man anymore and that women aren't real women anymore. See...back in the day grandad used to have another woman and kids down the street and grandma kept a blind eye to it cuz he came home every night and brought her his check on Friday.
Someone else went on about how they don't like a woman to cuss or be boring. Says he needs some excitement in his life and another woman said she couldn't deal with a soft azz man. How does she know he really cares if he doesn't snatch her up sometimes?
You might be wondering at my contribution in all of this as it swirled around me for hours. I just sat there...and soaked it all in. There is nothing I can add to that conversation. One woman, more in keeping in lines of how I think, tried to defend traditional roles done the right way and shared that grandpa was an azz if that's how he got down but she got drowned out in a sea of "real shit."
I just watched, and listened, and took notes using my handy and trusty Galaxy Note 3 pen. You'll see these people soon enough.
I promise.