So...I went to see Prince in New Orleans and BAAAAAAAABY! I had a good dang time.
Listen up. That concert was, hands down, the absolute best concert I have ever, ever, EVER attended. Prince showed his behind off. Dude danced MAGICALLY! Did you hear me? It was MAGIC! The music was on point. The dancers were on point. His outfit was on point. It was just all amazing. There were a few technical issues that I'm certain a sound engineer got zapped for...but hell...nobody but Prince seemed phased by the issues and yeah...he pointed them out.
The day was just full of awe. I woke up that morning thinking to is the day I get to see Prince. And that feeling carried over the entire day into the night and into the next day since we didn't get home until 4:30 am on July 5th. LOL!
We got up, got dressed and headed out for brunch and I was excited in my pre-Prince purple:
After brunch, we went shopping and this happened in the middle of the mall cuz T-Monnie ain't no punk and sometimes chirren gotta learn that:
And then it was back to get ready for Prince! Pre-Prince pin curls happened so hair could be popping for the Purple One in case he looked out and decided I should be his next music muse. (SIP: I wonder what THAT music would sound like? LOL!)
And then...before you knew it, we were on the road to see PRINCE!!!!!!!! I might have been a tad, wee wittle bit excited:
The Superdome had been turned purple, of course:
And well...the rest of the night was such an amazingly wonderful blur of awesome sauce fabulousness that I will never, ever, ever, ever forget. I honestly felt I'd outgrown Essence because of the ridiculousness I saw the last time I attended. The festivalgoers can be um...erra...DIFFERENT. When I heard Prince was going to be there however? We bought our tickets the second they became available way back in February and I've been walking around in anticipation ever since. It's not often that things are as you think they should be in your head but yeah...Prince was every.single.thing.
The entire holiday weekend was simply AWESOME.SAUCE but man am I tired still and it's Wednesday. I can't go like I used to. LOL!
These two STILL don't know how to ack when they are around each other. *sigh*
I gotta tell yall about my old lady shoes and how they were PERFECT! LOL!
How was your holiday weekend? What did you do? Did you travel?