I was asked the other day if I juice. I don't really. Not like people do these days. I make a mean green drink or smoothie from time-to-time but not more than once or twice a month. But...I eat a LOT of fruit and veggies. Mostly raw and I really enjoy them. They taste really good to me. A good cold, crisp carrot? LOVE the crunch. Room temperature watermelon? Apples, pears, bananas. Tomatoes, celery (with hummus), plums, peaches, nectarines, oranges, tangerines, zucchini, squash, corn...oh goodness...too much to keep typing about.
Not a day goes by that I don't eat fruits and veggies. And not just a lil corner on a plate...Like all day. I'm sitting here now and I'm about to grab a piece of fruit when I get up. I don't have cakes and pies in the house. No cookies. No candy. Not even chocolate or a Jolly Rancher. No chips. But...I have all the stuff necessary to make brownies, a cake, some chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookies or a sweet potato pie if I wanted to. I have some kale so if I wanted some chips I could make some kale chips. Or...if I REALLY wanted some chips (during Midol Week it is a ritual), I can go to the store and buy a small bag of chips and eat them.
My husband would buy a big bag of something salty and crunchy if left to his own devices and will have the good sense to look sheepish when he sees I notice it. LOL! Since I generally control what he eats the majority of the time, no biggie. I know he can't fall off the wagon with one big azz bag of chips and salsa.
But this isn't a regular occurrence.
We love popcorn. Freshly popped on top of the stove in canola oil. A pound and a half of organic kernels cost $1.19 at Trader Joe's. It lasts a long, long time.
Sometimes we sit here and my guy will look at me and say...I wouldn't mind something sweet and I'll ask if he wants me to whip up some brownies or some cookies. He mulls it over for a minute or two and generally picks brownies. About an hour later...we have brownies. Hot and gooey with chocolate chunks and walnuts. GO.US!
I'm careful about sauces and generally eat my own cooking 95% of the time.
I've read that weight loss is 80% diet and nutrition, 20% exercise and 150% mental. I agree with that and live by that.
You can't start exercising but keep the same eating habits that helped put the weight you're trying to lose on you. You will get frustrated by slow results and give up. EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. If you're cool with maintaining where you are...cool. But if you're not...you know what you need to do so do it.
That's all I wanted to say. Eat right. Eat junk food sporadically. Exercise. Always keep what you need to make you something sweet because it will take a lot to get you to get up, mix up the ingredients and bake it. See how that works?
Any tips on the mental part of the equation? What do you do to make sure the mental part stays on track?