The other day I was in Home Depot.
I was trying to decide on a paint color. Directly across from the paint section was the customer service section. I wasn't paying them any mind because again...I was in the paint section. The noise, however, from the customer service section was loud. I looked over and noticed that all of the employees over there were laughing and having a good old time. There were two people in line over there and one of the cashiers was doing whatever they had to do for a customer but participating in the back and forth laughter and loud talking.
They got particularly loud and a man I couldn't see said to them, "Guys, settle down now."
They got quieter for a minute or so and then...they picked right back on up laughing like they were kicking it at home straight chilling over loud music.
My face was all twisted up because of the noise and I gave my paint color to the paint guy and waited for my paint. Then...the whole crowd BURST.OUT.LAUGHING so loud and one of the employees took off running while laughing down the length of the store.
SIP: This is fugging ridiculous.
By the time I reached the self-service line, the young lady was still over there doing the same ish she was doing in the customer service section. She was relaying a story, laughing loud as hell and generally acting like she was NOT at work. She looked to be in her early 20s and my face spoke volumes at what I thought of her behavior. One of the young men in the area noticed my face and straightened up. He lowered his voice and said, "Did you find everything you wanted ma'am?"
Me: Yes.
Loud, Inappropriate, Unprofessional Chick: BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, CACKLE, CACKLE, CACKLE!!!!!!!
Young Man: We're just having a little fun.
Me (LOUD): But that's just it. This is work. You're not here to have fun. You're here to do your job and get paid for doing your job. All of this unprofessional laughing and carrying on, running down the damn aisle like you're on a damn playground is ridiculous! This is why young Black kids can't find part time jobs because the employers think they are going to act just like this and VOILA!!!!!! They just might be right from what I'm seeing here.
Loud, Inappropriate, Unprofessional Chick walked away.
Young Man opened his mouth and then closed it.
Older lady who SHOULD KNOW BETTER rolled her damn eyes.
I grabbed my paint and left.
When I got in the parking lot I called the store and asked to speak to the manager as I drove home. I told him what I experienced and that he needed to get a handle on it. When I'm annoyed as shit I sound VERY Southern. My brand of Southern. The manager was a Black guy.
Him: *sigh* Thank you for calling me ma'am. I'll go speak to them about it.
Me: Sounds like you've spoken to them about it before.
Him: You have no idea.
Me: Time for you to fire the head fool and keep it moving. And let her azz know EXACTLY why she's being fired. Then, have a meeting about professionalism and let them know that you have a stack of applications to review as replacements. You're doing them all a disservice by letting them think they should be able to keep their job acting like that. They're going to do it on the next job and the next job and the next job until it's clear they are unemployable cuz they don't know how to act. Have a good day.
I'm still salty behind that.
When I saw my Goddaughter next I told her about it and told her that if she EVER behaved like that at work and I found out about it...I would snatch her bald. BALD. BALD. BALD!
WHO IS TEACHING THESE FOOLS THAT THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACT LIKE THAT AT WORK????????? Have you encountered such? Does it make you cringe? Does it make you mad?